Dear Chamber Member,
Here are your Friday Facts – Enjoy reading them and have a great Friday and an even better weekend. If you have anything that you would like to put into the Friday Facts please send it to [email protected] by noon each Thursday.
Bidding on the Tampa Rays offer still open: 2020 Spring Training Suite Extravaganza, includes suite for 14 people, ballpark food ( hot dogs, popcorn, soda etc), beer and wine Rays vs Pittsburgh March 8th 2020. Entertain your clients, host a company party? Going to highest bidder: Current highest bid $300. To make higher bid, email Bids close 1-31-20
PG Chamber radio show: Now Booking for February 2020
Every month, your Punta Gorda Chamber teams up with local iHeart Media DJ – Bob Alexander to focus on Chamber members and what they are up to. For only $105, you get to pre-record 2 x 2 ½ minute slots (which can be the same or different) which will be inserted into Bob’s show on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. This is one of the largest local radio audiences available to us. You don’t even have to go to the studio any more. Bob will call you to record your message(s)! If you are interested, please email [email protected] to get you on your way. Ideal for business promotions, events or simply to get your name out on air.
Adam is pleased to announce he has been persuaded to be the official entry for the Punta Gorda Chamber for the Animal Welfare League’s Best in Show fundraiser. To vote for him ( as often as you like) please visit He came from AWL and has no dreams of ever going back, but wants to help get all the rest of his pals adopted! ADAM is currently in 3rd place and needs to feel the love!
Your Chamber Staff,
John, Pat, Carole, Stephanie & Janet
Chamber Calendar of Events
Please remember to RSVP to:
reception@ or 941-639-3720.
The Chamber Office will be closed from 12/24 at 1pm to 9am on 12/27. Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah to all.
January 8:Business Over Breakfast 7:15-8:30 am
Wake up and smell the coffee with your Chamber at our breakfast at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, 4th floor of Medical Plaza. Please be sure to RSVP to [email protected] or call 941-639-3720
January 11: CityWide Garage Sale at Comfort Storage 8 am–12 pm $15.00 per entrant. You get two parking spots – one for your vehicle (no commercial vehicles) and one for a table (you provide) – Set up 7:15am Location: Comfort Storage Parking Lot, 3811 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda.
January 19: Third Thursday Wine Walk 5-8 pm
In Downtown Punta Gorda. Art-Music-Live Demonstrations-Shopping & Food! What better way to spend an evening out with old friends while you take the time to make new ones. Wine Walk works by donating $10 at the PG Chamber ( in advance or on the night) to get a wristband and passport that entitles you to a walking wine tasting – a map of all retail participants will accompany your wristband. Each location will have two different wine varietals to taste! Wristbands can also be purchased at Hipnotique on the day of the event. Not a wine drinker, you can still come and enjoy the atmosphere and shop, dine and stroll around.
January 21: Business After Hours 5:30 pm – 7 pm
Come and join your Chamber for our Business After Hours at Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty Fishermen’s Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda . Don’t forget to bring a gift to promote and showcase your business! Please be sure to RSVP by calling 941-639-372 or email [email protected]
January 29: Networking Luncheon – 12 Noon – 1:30 pm. Come and join your Chamber for our Networking Lunch at The Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association, 2001 Shreve Street, Punta Gorda. This will be the State of the City Message given by our Mayor Nancy Prafke. Please be sure to RSVP to 941-639-3720 or [email protected] Cost is $15.00 per person. Lunch must now be pre-paid at time of reservation. We take cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & Amex.
Click Here for Major Chamber Events
Mission Statement
To promote business in Punta Gorda and all our surroundings areas, for the benefit of our entire community.
New Members:
Dream Salon and Spa
117 Herald Court, Unit 115
Punta Gorda FL 33950
Tel: 941 621 8311
[email protected]
Hair Salon/Spa
Sponsored by: Nanette Leonard
Caliber Home Loans
Lisa Ziebarth
811 1st Street, Suite 203
Hudson, WI 5406
[email protected]
Mortgage Loans
Sponsored by Jane Haagsmann of
Valerie’s House, Inc.
Angela Melvin & Christine Carey
P.O. Box 1955
Fort Myers, FL 33902
[email protected]
Non-Profit Organization
Sponsored by Pat Oliva
Labor Solutions
Matt Sullivan
2726 Tamiami Trail, Unit A
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
(941) 979-5204
[email protected]
Staffing Services
Sponsored by Danny Nix of
Nix & Associates Real Estate
Remember to utilize the certificates in the New Member packet. These are very valuable to your business.
Ribbon Cuttings
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings, Ground Breakings, Launchings, Ceremonies & Dedications. These are all 5:30 pm unless otherwise noted. Come out and welcome our newest members.
January 9, 2020: Visual Arts Center Plein Air Festival 12 Noon
210 Maud St., Punta Gorda
January 15, 2020: Thee Purple Potato, (Food Truck) this will be held at HipNotique, 111 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda. There will be food, drink and a chance to win a gift basket and music.
January 30, 2020: Soul Dance Temple, 2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 314, Punta Gorda (In Towles Plaza)
SUBJECT: Donation request for our chamber member Sue Reeves for a new service dog to fill the void of Crystal Reeves’ unexpected passing.
Sue Reeves has been placed on the waiting list to receive another service dog, from New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. located in Orange City, FL. Let’s help continue their mission of placing service dogs to those in need at no charge. NHSD has set up a fundraising/ donation program called MIGHTY CAUSE and we are asking for your donation help. New Horizons Service Dogs (NHSDI) was founded in 1995. A 501(c)(3), Federal ID 59-3334829, not for profit organization, New Horizons receives no government funding and is financed solely from fundraisers, donations and grants. The cost to train and place a service dog is approximately $25,000. NHSDI’s volunteer puppy raisers and trained staff breed, train and certify service dogs for disabled veterans, autistic children and qualifying persons with physical disabilities. The fully trained Service Dogs are given, at no charge, to deserving qualified recipients. New Horizons places approximately 42 dogs every year. You can donate by Clicking Here. Open the link. Click on DONATE. Indicate your donation amount. Check the ADD A DEDICATION box-select IN MEMORY OF and enter CRYSTAL REEVES.
Thank you for selflessly continuing this very important effort by donating to NEW HORIZONS SERVICE DOGS and helping our member SUE REEVES.
Fact of the Day
A Prickle of Porcupines
What is it called when you have not one, not two, but three or more porcupines? That is called trouble! However, in scientific terms it is called a prickle of porcupines.
Question of the Week
Will the chamber website be closing for the Holidays?
Events for Week of December 20 – December 31
Remember to click these links to see events that are coming up
Click This Link for Upcoming Events
Click this link for Events coming up in 2020
The Orange House Wine Bar
320 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda 941-505-8233
We are now open for breakfast and lunch!
Tuesday-Saturday 8 am – 2 pm
Fri. December 20: 7pm -10 pm
Some mighty good Blues music tonight at The Orange House tonight with Bob Page Trio!
Sat.December 21: 7pm- 10 pm
Another great night of blues with Low Humidity Blues. We can’t get enough…you shouldn’t either!
Call to reserve your spot!! 941-505-8233
The Military Heritage Museum in Punta Gorda will host a very special Christmas Gala event at the museum on Friday, December 20 and Saturday, December 21. The benefit for the museum will be a tribute to Bob Hope’s USO Show, and will feature Bill Johnson as Bob Hope, Holly Faris as Marilyn Monroe, Phyllis Diller and Lucille Ball, and Michelle Della Fave as the Original Golddigger dancer for Dean Martin. Tickets are available on the museum’s website at Each night begins with a reception at 5:30 p.m., followed by the USO Show at 7:30, and are $60 per person or $100 for two. Come out and enjoy a bit of nostalgia, while supporting this incredible museum that celebrates and honors the lives of all our military men and women throughout the years. And while you are there, stroll through the museum’s galleries to get a glimpse of what military life was like for all our heroes that have fought and continue to fight to protect our freedom. The Military Heritage Museum is located at 900 West Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda. For more information or reservations, please go to the website and sign up at or call 941-575-9002.
Holiday Fundraiser
Please join us for a bowl of soup, bring your family to decorate sugar cookies and sing carols together. Watch local kids preform a Holiday Skit right before Santa arrives on the Fire Truck. Saturday December 21st 11-1pm. Its a lot of fun and I am excited to share this event for the second time in Charlotte County. I would love to see your smiling faces if you can make it. Otherwise, thank you again for all of your support and continued advertisement.
Click Here to see the flyer.
A Service of Hope and Remembrance
Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Sunday December 22nd at 4.00pm
While Christmas is a season of joy, for many it can also be a time when we are in need of reassurance and comfort. For those who have suffered a loss—weather it’s the loss of a loved one, a relationship, security, a lifestyle or health issue—this can be a very difficult season. If you are in a place of sadness, or if you have experienced this kind of struggle in the past and understand how this time of year doesn’t come with joy and excitement, you are invited to join us in our sanctuary for our Service of Hope and Remembrance. This service will be a time of comfort and assurance that will serve to remind us that the birth of the Christ child is a sign of hope amid despair.
For more information contact the church office at 639-0001 during normal business hours, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9a.m. to Noon, on Friday or by e-mail to [email protected]. Burnt Store Presbyterian Church is a congregation committed to reaching up, making disciples, changing lives. The church is located at 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda, just two miles south of the US 41/Burnt Store Road intersection.
VAC Gift Shop will be open 12/23 from 9am – 2pm, and 12/24 from 9am – Noon. We have artist-made greeting cards, jewelry, tableware, knitted accessories, pottery, paintings & more. The Visual Arts Center is closed 12/25 – January 2 and will reopen in time for Open House Jan 3 & 4! Register for Jan Classes & Workshops The Visual Arts Center is located at 210 Maud St, across from Fishermen’s Village. Gallery & Gift Shop Hours: M-F, 9-4 & Sat, 10-2. Calendar of Events, Classes, Memberships and Call to Artists at
Burnt Store Presbyterian Church Invites you to Christmas Eve Worship Service
5:00pm Contemporary
7:30pm Traditional
11:00pm Traditional with Communion
All Services End with Candlelight
For more information contact the church office at 639-0001 during normal business hours, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9a.m. to Noon, on Friday or by e-mail to [email protected]. Burnt Store Presbyterian Church is a congregation committed to reaching up, making disciples, changing lives. The church is located at 11330 Burnt Store Road, Punta Gorda, just two miles south of the US 41/Burnt Store Road intersection.
Soul Dance Temple
2705 Tamiami Trail, Suite 314, Punta Gorda
Last Friday of every month starting 12/27
6 to 8PM: Studio performances, Flamenco percussion classes, astrology charts. Refreshments. $10 for SOUL CONNECTIONS Members. $15 non-members. We will also have a social night for world dance enthusiasts… Flamenco, Spanish Dance, Belly Dancing, Salsa, and more. It starts in January on the last Friday of the month. We have a great line up of performances for Friday, Dec. 27th.
Belly’s In Motion Group performances & Solos
Corina, Elena, and Tallita Group performances & Solos
Juanita Solo performance
Kiki Solo performance
Sherry Coffey Polynesian Dancers
Sherry Coffey Gypsy Caravan Tribal Bellydancing
Irene Rimer – Egyptian & Tribal Belly Dance solo, a Classic Spanish & a Flamenco Solo Drums at the end! and more…
CELEBRATE THE HOLIDAY OF CHANUKAH AT FISHERMEN’S VILLAGE The public is cordially invited to join us for the holiday celebration of Chanukah at 7 pm on Saturday evening, December 28, 2019 (seventh night of Chanukah) for the lighting of the Menorah in front of the main entrance to Fishermen’s Village. Each night an additional light is kindled until the Menorah is ablaze with eight beautiful lights in celebration of Chanukah. The message of the menorah is a universal one, expressing the importance of bringing light, warmth and holiness to the darkest places.
For more information contact Chabad of Charlotte County at 941- 833 -3381 or
Fishermen’s Village is located off Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda. Visit for full holiday event details.
Gulfshore Opera presents Amahl and the Night Visitors is a Christmas miracle story for the whole family. This colorful production with original set, costumes, and chamber orchestra tells the story of the Three Kings, following the star to Bethlehem. They stop for shelter at the home of Amahl, a poor, crippled shepherd boy who lives with his widowed mother. Inspired by the Wise Men’s tale of a kingdom “built on love alone,” Amahl offers his own simple gift to the Christ Child. And then a miracle happens.
Amahl and the Night Visitors
December 29 – 4:00pm
Congregational United Church of Christ of Punta Gorda
Tickets: $35 Premium, General Admission $25, Students: $10 A portion of ticket proceeds support the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition.
December 31: The Suncoast Country Opry Show
Click Here for the info.
December 31: Fishermen’s Villa NYE Celebration! 6 pm until 12 midnight (Fireworks Display from west dock at 12 midnight). Family friendly festivities all evening including music, dance, magic shows, photo booth, face painting, hair glitter designs, tarot card reading and more! Free admission/free parking. Click Here for all the info.
Member Information
Click Here for General Info Flyers
December 27th through the 30th the World Pickleball Championship is taking place in Punta Gorda. There will be 420+ players in town planning on off-site meals. We would like to advertise your business on the back of our Downtown Punta Gorda map that is given to all participants. The only cost to you? Offer a discount or deal that is valid with event credentials. We hope you will participate and showcase your business! Please email or call to participate. If you are interested in this please contact Brynja Phipps at:
Brynja Phipps | Visitor & Group Services Coordinator
Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach Visitor & Convention Bureau
1700 Tamiami Trl, G-2, Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Chelsea Place
Ultimate Care Givers Gift Card. Click Here for all info.
You can help make this holiday season special for older adults in Charlotte County. Senior Friendship Centers, Charlotte County, third annual “Healthy At Home” holiday initiative, donations being accepted now. Every year during the holiday season, Senior Friendship Centers strives to provide gifts to those who visit our Friendship Cafés or receive our Home-Delivered Meals. Our clients rely on Senior Friendship Centers for daily hot meals as well as invaluable social activities. Did you know? Research shows that loneliness and social isolation have the same risk for heart disease as smoking and increases the likelihood of mortality by 26 percent. Many of our clients have little or no nearby family support and the holidays are anything but joyful. Our “Healthy At Home” initiative provides a little holiday cheer as well as much needed gifts, which also may be the only gift they receive at the holidays. Please consider providing some extra cheer by donating a practical, thoughtful item that will be gifted to our clients whose needs are year ‘round. Suggested donations include: laundry detergent pods, fabric softener sheets, dish detergent, Handi-wipes, anti-bacterial cleaning wipes, incontinence pads, personal care wipes, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, tissues, tea and instant coffee, dog and cat food, art supplies, puzzle books. Donations can be dropped off at our participating partners:
- Charlotte County Sheriff’s offices in Englewood (11051 Willmington Boulevard), Port Charlotte (992 Tamiami Trail Suite A and Promenades Mall, 3280 Tamiami Trail), and Punta Gorda (7474 Utilities Road)
- Consulate Health Care, 18480 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte
- Senior Friendship Centers, Friendship Café, 27420 Voyageur Drive, Harbour Heights, Punta Gorda
We are also accepting gift card and cash donations by mail or at our Harbour Heights location: 27420 Voyageur Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33983. We would be very happy to take you on a tour of our facility! For hours and directions, please call 941-255-0723. Thank you for your support. You really are making a difference and helping us fulfill our mission in Charlotte County of promoting health, dignity and quality of life throughout the journey of aging. If you have any questions regarding Healthy At Home, please contact: Jeanne DeLauro at 941-255-0723 or [email protected]. Thank you for your generosity and support of older adults in our community!
USA Dance Chapter Charlotte Harbor #6126 Ballroom Dance Lessons
Welcome All Levels of Dance-Open to the Public
Due to your past support, we discovered there was a need for our own USA Dance Chapter. We are no longer a part of #6049. We are a new chapter #6126. We can’t wait to see the friends we know, and the friends we will meet.
“Physical exercise can reduce the signs of aging in the brain, and dancing has the most profound effect.”
(Frontiers in Human Neuroscience). This is a recent study. Date: Every Wednesday until further notice. THERE WILL BE NO LESSONS ON NOVEMBER 27. ENJOY YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. SAFE TRAVELS. Time: 6-7 Beginning East Coast Swing( 3 weeks) 7-8 Intermediate Rock & Swing: East Coast Swing, Lindy, Jive, Rock & Roll
8-9 Intermediate/Advanced Ballroom Dance Team
Learn show dances, exciting ballroom and Latin techniques
Location: Punta Gorda Women’s Club, 118 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda, FL Fees: $10 USA Dance Members $12 Non-members Contact: 614-439-8545(Robin)
Email: [email protected](Laura)
Facebook: USA Dance Chapter #6126 Charlotte Harbor, FL
Meetup: Charlotte Harbor Ballroom Dance Meetup USA Dance Instructors: Nathalie & Franck Lemoine
Professional Dance Instructors from Paris, France
They have lived and taught in SWFL since 2018
Additional Information: Historic Building, Wooden Floors
Quick Links
Punta Gorda Chamber
Guardians & Supporters of the Punta Gorda Chamber
Membership Directory
Calendar & Events
Online Payment Center
Hot Deals
Job Postings
Link To Us
We have had a lot of requests for a Facebook-sized link to our web page from member websites. Click Here to find the logo below, and several other different-sized logos, so that you can link your website to ours.
Point to Ponder
Cross the Line:
Encourage deeper commitment
Thought for the Week
We avoid the things that we’re afraid of because we think there will be dire consequences if we confront them. But the truly dire consequences in our lives come from avoiding things that we need to learn about or discover.
Member Newsletters
Click Name of Business for their latest news
Archway Institute
Visani Event in January
Archway Institute
Holiday Hope Campaign Update
Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center
Chelsea Place
Senior Care Conference
Drug Free Punta Gorda
Holiday Newsletter
FGCU Renaissance Academy Punta Gorda
Gulf Shore Opera
Great Stocking Stuffers
Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society
The Suncoast Country Opry Show
Special Offers for Chamber Members
Copperfish Books
Click Here for great gifts
Key West Express
Sweetest Holiday Deal
Click Here for Offer
LaQuinta Inn & Suites
Click Here for Offer
Sleep Inn & Suites
Click here for a special offer for Chamber Members.
Joke of the Week
Beautiful Words
Sweetheart to her boyfriend: “Do you love me with all your heart and soul?”
Boyfriend: “Uh-huh!”
Sweetheart: “Do you think I am the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world?”
Boyfriend: “Uh-huh!”
Sweetheart: “Do you think my lips are like rose petals?”
Boyfriend: “Uh-huh!”
Sweetheart: “Oh you say the most beautiful things!”
On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, C.A.R.E. will be hosting a free seminar covering the human trafficking crisis. Did you know the state of Florida ranks 3rd in the United States for reported cases of human trafficking and Charlotte County is located along one of the most common tracks traffickers utilize (Miami to Tampa). We are challenging our community to equip themselves to identify human trafficking and learn what to do if you suspect it is happening. This event will feature 4 expert speakers including a survivor, the Sexual Violence Unit Chief from the Office of the State Attorney, a representative from the FBI, and a representative from the Center for Progress and Excellence. This event is open to the public and we encourage everyone to attend.
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Time: 9am – 12:30 pm (Registration starts at 8:30) Following the presentation will be a chance to visit community agencies’ tables for more information!
Venue: Charlotte Technical College Auditorium – 18150 Murdock Cir, Port Charlotte, FL 33948
Cost: FREE
Please email or call with any questions – [email protected] or (941) 639-5499
Applause Section
Roger Eaton Clerk of The Circuit Court & County Comptroller News Update
Click Here to see their new website.
Charlotte-DeSoto Building Industry Association Installs Melanie Markel as President of 2020 Officers
On December 7, 2019, the Charlotte-DeSoto Building Industry Association installed the 2020 President, Executive Board Members and Board of Directors. Melanie Markel, President of Array of Cabinets was installed as President of the CDBIA by CDBIA Past President Robert Markel (Royalty Construction). Melanie worked for Royalty Construction and became actively involved with the CDBIA when they joined in 2011. Through success and determination and a need for specialty cabinets, Melanie opened Array of Cabinets and joined the CDBIA in 2013 under her new company. Melanie has chaired the CDBIA SWFL Rockin’ & Reelin’ Fishing Tournament and Membership Committee. Melanie represents the CDBIA at the Florida Home Builders Association, serving as a director, and being a Florida Home Builder Political Action Committee 1000Club member. The CDBIA Executive Board for 2020 is 1st Vice President Caryn Huff-Sufferling (Wharton-Smith), Associate Vice President Anna Crapet (Bacon’s Furniture), Treasurer Jim Weisberg (Quality Homes of Port Charlotte), Secretary Colleen Ferrara (Conserva Irrigation of SWFL) and Immediate Past President Zac Extejt (Charlotte County Seawalls). The Executive Board was sworn in by FHBA and CDBIA Past President, and member of the Florida Housing Hall of Fame Suzanne Graham (Massey Services). The following members have been sworn in as the 2020 CDBIA Board of Directors: Associate Directors: Carl Barraco Jr (Barraco & Associates), Jennifer Donovan-Uebelacker (Suncoast Sales), Rick Kelley (Kinetico Water Systems of SWFL), Nicholas Worden (Centennial Bank), Carlene Zeches (Z Interior Decorations). Builder Directors: Rodney Luke (Luke Brothers Custom Homes), Blair McVety (Coastal Marine Supply), Benny Mills (Top Quality Remodeling), Adam Riley (LTD Contracting), Justin Robbins (DR Horton), Jimi Smith (AJF Construction). CDBIA Ex-Officio: Jim Anderson (J. Anderson Inc.), David Appelo (Apex Roofmasters), Wendy Atkinson (Nolan Family Insurance), Odette Embury (Drummond Mortgage), Suzanne Graham (Massey Services), Rick Ilmberger (Suncoast Glass & Mirror), Jonathan Kapper Sr. (Kapper Contracting), Kevin Koch (AA Disaster Restoration 24/7), Mellisa Lee (Pestguard), Patrick Lewis (Sharp Development of SWFL), Robert Markel (Royalty Construction), Penny McIlwain (L&W Supply), Bob Miller (Boyette & Miller Construction and Development), Sharon Neuhofer (Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty), Don Riggs (Don Riggs Concrete), TJ Thornberry (Thornberry Custom Builders), Tom Thornberry (Charlotte Plumbing) and Bill Truex (Truex Preferred Construction).
For more information about the CDBIA and board members, please visit
John Wright
Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce
Every effort has been made to accommodate guests of all abilities. The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for the presentation, format or accessibility of customer submitted documents, images and websites.