
Friday Facts for September 6, 2019

Friday Facts!

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Dear Chamber Member,

Here are your Friday Facts – Enjoy reading them and have a great Friday and an even better weekend. If you have anything that you would like to put into the Friday Facts please send it to [email protected] by noon each Thursday.

PG Chamber radio show:

Every month, your Punta Gorda Chamber teams up with local iHeart Media DJ – Bob Alexander to focus on Chamber members and what they are up to. For only $95, you get to pre-record 2 x 2 ½ minute slots (which can be the same or different) which will be inserted into Bob’s show on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month. This is one of the largest local radio audiences available to us. You don’t even have to go to the studio any more. Bob will call you to record your message(s)! If you are interested, please email [email protected] to get you on your way. Ideal for business promotions, events or simply to get your name out on air.

Non Profits at Wine Walk

Starting on October 17th , we are again inviting up to 12 non-profits to set up between Angela’s Cafe and Ace Hardware for Wine Walk. Non-profits MUST sign up prior to the event (if space is available). No-showing will result in their name being eliminated from all future dates. Cancellations can be taken up to noon on the day of the event. Please click here for application and guidelines.

Your Chamber Staff,
John, Pat, Carole, Stephanie & Janet

Chamber Calendar of Events

Please remember to RSVP to:
[email protected] or 941-639-3720.

September 11: Business Over Breakfast 7:15 am-8:30 am

Wake up and smell the coffee with your Chamber at our breakfast sponsored by Chapman Insurance Group and held at The Military Heritage Museum, 900 W. Marion Ave., Punta Gorda . Please be sure to RSVP to 941-639-3720 or email
[email protected]

September 17: Business After Hours 5:30pm-7pm

Come and join your Chamber for our Business After Hours at Profiles Boutique, 121 E. Marion Ave., #111, Punta Gorda . Don’t forget to bring a gift to promote and showcase your business! Please be sure to RSVP [email protected] or call 941-639-3720..

September 19: Third Thursday Wine Walk 5-8 pm

In Downtown Punta Gorda. Art-Music-Live Demonstrations-Shopping & Food! What better way to spend an evening out with old friends while you take the time to make new ones. Wine Walk works by donating $10 at the PG Chamber ( in advance or on the night) to get a wristband and passport that entitles you to a walking wine tasting – a map of all retail participants will accompany your wristband. Each location will have two different wine varietals to taste! Wristbands can also be purchased at Hipnotique on the day of the event. Not a wine drinker, you can still come and enjoy the atmosphere and shop, dine and stroll around.

September 25: Networking Luncheon-12 Noon – 1:30 pm

Come and join your Chamber for our Networking Lunch at La Fiorentina, 10361 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda. Please be sure to RSVP to [email protected] or 941-639-3720. Cost is $15.00 per person pre-paid or $20.00 at the door. We take cash, check, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & Amex

Punta Gorda Chamber Annual Awards Banquet, September 21, 2019 at 6pm (opens in new tab)

City Wide Garage Sale 2019-2020 Schedule
8 am – 12 Noon, $15.00 per entrant

You get two parking spots – one for your vehicle (no commercial vehicles) and one for a table (you provide)
Set up 7: 15am
New Location: Comfort Storage Parking Lot, 3811 Tamiami Trail, Punta Gorda


  • October 12, 2019
  • November 9. 2019
  • December 14, 2019
  • January 11, 2020
  • February 8, 2020
  • March 14, 2020
  • April 11, 2020
  • May 9, 2020

Please contact Punta Gorda Chamber at 941-639-3720 or [email protected]. All Registrants need to be pre-registered with payment There will be no admittance the day of the event. Non-refundable, non-trasnferable sale held rain or shine… no rain dates.

Click Here for Major Chamber Events

New Members

Mission Statement

To promote business in Punta Gorda and all our surroundings areas, for the benefit of our entire community.

The Dog House Food Truck

Gregory Pannullo
155 Palmetto Circle NE
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
(732) 574-0637
[email protected]
155 Palmetto Circle NE
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Food Truck Sponsored by Jennifer Newman of Wharton-Smith Inc.

Smargasy, Inc

Barbara Dolleschal
611 SE 11th St. Suite B
Cape Coral, FL 33990
[email protected]
Software/Digital Marketing Sponsored by Alexia Martin of WhitCo Insurance Agency

Paradise Golf Course

Mike Gray
8135 SW Sunnybreeze Rd.
Arcadia, FL 34269
[email protected]
Golf Course Sponsored by John Wright

Remember to utilize the certificates in the New Member packet. These are very valuable to your business.

Partners in Action News

Bayfront Health Punta Gorda/Port Charlotte (Platinum)

Click Here for September Events

Captain’s Table (Gold)

Captain’s Table is now serving Brunch on Sunday from
10 AM – 2 PM. Please Come enjoy our Chef’s take on Brunch with delicious dishes while enjoying views of Charlotte Harbor. Lunch will also be available form 11 AM – 4 PM. For more information please call 941-637-1177.

Charlotte Stone Crabs (Gold)

Click Here for Season Ending Info

Wyvern Hotel (Gold)

Click Here for Info on the Kitt Moran Trio on Sept.14th
The Passing of the Brushes- a new exhibit At the Wyvern Hotel, Tuesday September 17th at 6pm

Charlotte State Bank & Trust (Silver)

Are You Prepared?
Find Out At Free Estate-Planning Seminars In September

Trust Development Officer Kerry Hunter of Englewood Bank & Trust is offering a trio of free educational seminars in September. Hunter, a graduate of the Florida Trust & Wealth Management School, has 17 years of client service and banking experience. She will present timely information on estate and investment planning designed to help individuals achieve their financial goals for themselves and their heirs. The seminars will be held on consecutive Thursdays from 11 a.m. to noon. at Englewood Bank & Trust’s main office, 1111 S. McCall Road, and Gulf Cove office, 12651 S. McCall Road.

Are You Prepared with Estate-Planning Basics
Sept. 12, Gulf Cove Office

This seminar will review the basic elements of an estate plan, including last will and testament, power of attorney, and health care directives, focusing on the specifics and benefits of each and the pitfalls to avoid. The seminar will also include planning tools for non-married couples and couples who have remarried, plus ways to protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets.

Are You Prepared with Asset Protection?
Sept. 19, Gulf Cove Office

Hunter will explore the pros and cons of titling your assets in your trust name or when you should title accounts in a special way to protect your assets from creditors and liabilities. She will discuss umbrella policies and what assets should be covered.
The seminars are free and open to the public, but reservations are required. Reservations may be made at any Englewood Bank & Trust office or by contacting Hunter at 941-473-3629 or [email protected]. Additional information is available at

Florida Southwestern State College (Silver)

Nov 28th Turkey Trot – early registration

Animal Welfare League (Support)

Click Here for their latest news.
We have a chance at $100,000 in lifesaving funds, but we need your help!
We all know that pets brighten our lives … from longer walks to cozier naps and big wet kisses. Now, the Petco Foundation, in partnership with BOBS from Skechers, is giving us a way to brighten theirs this upcoming holiday season by granting more than $750,000 to animal welfare organizations like ours! Click here for all of the info.

Charlotte Players (Support)

Click Here for info on “Don’t Dress for Dinner”
Comedy for A Cause
Join us for our 7th Annual Comedy For A Cause on September 13th. This year’s first four cast members are: Jessica Cantwell from Life Care Center, Kim Seals Parks from The Englewood Chamber, Mike Hearn from The Florida Weekly; and Amanda Stahl-Stacey from Trilogy Home Health. The second half of the group are: Kelly Rittenhouse-Pomerville from Charlotte Behavior Health Care, Chuck Matos from Bayfront Heath, Bill Gladwell, Entertainer; and finally Mike Moody from Sun Broadcasting, Inc. The event will be at The Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center which is located at 75 Taylor Road in Punta Gorda. VIP tickets include dinner and are $85 with the entrance time of 6pm. Show only tickets are $30 with the entrance time of 7:15pm. For tickets call our box office at (941) 255-1022 or online at

Profiles Nail Boutique (Support)
Save 10%. We are collecting items for the Animal Welfare League. Bring in one or more items from the Animal Welfare League’s Wish List ( and you will receive 10% off your services at Profiles Nail Boutique August 1 through August 30, 2019. Profiles Nail Boutique, 121 E Marion Ave #1111, Downtown Punta Gorda.

Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association (Support)

6:00 – 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays, September. 10, 17, 24 at PGI Civic Association, 2001 Shreve Street, Punta Gorda: “Finish Your Book” with James Abraham Writer, editor, literary critic, columnist and owner of Book-Broker Publishers in Punta Gorda, James Abraham presents a four-class writing series “Finish Your Book”. If you have begun the adventure of writing a book, or if this is something you have always wanted to do, this is an opportunity to explore some of the key elements of making your project successful.
$80 for the entire series. Call the PGICA office 941-637-1655 for more information and reservation.
4 – 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays, through 24 at PGI Civic Association, 2001 Shreve Street, Punta Gorda: “One Society: Race Relations in a Post-Racial Society” with James Abraham
9/10: Black Lives Matter: Just who are these people?
9/17: Interracial Dating: From the Bible to yesterday’s headlines, opinions on the subject run the gamut from hearty acceptance to violent proscription.
9/24: Multicultural Pluralism: Has a plurality of races and religions hindered or helped American progress?
Includes handouts and reading list.
$80 for the entire series. Call the PGICA office 941-637-1655 for more information and reservation.

Ribbon Cuttings

Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings, Ground Breakings, Launchings, Ceremonies & Dedications. These are all 5:30 pm unless otherwise noted. Come out and welcome our newest members.

September 12: Camelot2, 2705 Tamiami Trail Ste 313, Punta Gorda.

September 24: David Sussman Photography, 5240 Duncan Rd., Punta Gorda.

October 1: King Fisher Fleet for their new boat “The Helen M”. Guests will be welcomed on board to tour the boat. The boat will not be leaving the dock.

October 3: Burnt Store Animal Hospital, 16500 Burnt Store Rd. Bldg B, In the Turtle Crossing Plaza, Punta Gorda

October 24: Ribbon Cutting at Nature Park, Corner of Bal Harbor & Aqui Esta, Punta Gorda. Goes from 4:30 to 6 pm. Ribbon Cutting will be at 5:30 pm.

November 4: Ribbon Cutting at Visual Arts Center Fun Arts Festival, 210 Maud Street, Punta Gorda 12 Noon

November 12: Ribbon Cutting at Burnt Store Title & Escrow 150 Laishley Ct., Suite 122, Punta Gorda

November 14: Yesterdays Collectables, Antiques and Vintage Clothing, 4301 Sibley Bay Street, Unit B, (Corner of Hwy 41 & Sibley Bay) Charlotte Harbor

Fact of the Day
Film’s First Toilet Flush
Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960, classic film, PSYCHO became the first film in movie history to feature a toilet flush. This momentous toilet flush takes place right before the famous shower scene death. There may have been previous films that showed a toilet, but this was the first time a flush was seen AND heard.

Question of the Week
Will the hurricane turn around and come back to us?

Events for Week of September 6 – September 15

Remember to click this link to see events for these dates that are in flyer format.

Upcoming Member Events

The Orange House Wine Bar

320 Sullivan St., Punta Gorda 941-505-8233
We are now open for breakfast and lunch! Tuesday-Saturday 8 am – 2 pm
Fri. September 6: 7pm -10 pm Spend Friday night right with The Orange House Band. Call to reserve your spot today!
Sat. September 7: 7pm- 10 pm

The Yoga Sanctuary

Mindfulness Meditation: A 3-Week Series
Sundays, September 1st – 15th 12:30 – 1:45
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~ Viktor E. Frankl
Many of us live our lives as if on autopilot, constantly being destabilized and reacting to what we encounter. The practices of mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that change our relationship to what we encounter in life, providing a window of opportunity between stimulus and response. What we discover in that space is our ability to reduce our own stress, to pay closer attention while appreciating the fullness and richness of life, and to develop good will for ourselves and others. Join us for this 3-week series led by guest instructor Carl Eisen. In this series you will come to understand what is meant when we speak of mindfulness and meditation, learn various postures for meditation, and learn by direct experience vs concepts and ideas. Each week you will receive audio recordings to guide you between class sessions as well as have plenty of time for Q&A in class. Cost will be $55 for the series.
For more information call 941-505-YOGA (9642), email [email protected], visit or see our Facebook page,

Yoga Month Bingo Challenge
A Benefit for the Peace River Wildlife Center
September Through the 30th
September is National Yoga Month! During Yoga Month, designated by the Department of Health & Human Services, festivities occur across the country. Hundreds of studios, teachers, and students join in. Come celebrate with The Yoga Sanctuary and discover the transformational power of a consistent yoga practice. Participate in our month-long game of Yoga Month Bingo and see the difference yourself! In addition to feeling stronger, more relaxed, and less stressed, you will also be supporting the Peace River Wildlife Center (PRWC). Our August 29th Community Class at PRWC kicks off the Bingo game, which culminates with a celebration for all participants and supporters on Wednesday, October 2nd. See you on the mat and in the world. For more information call 941-505-YOGA (9642), email [email protected], visit or see our Facebook page,

Edison and Ford Winter Estates

Children Admitted Free at Edison and Ford Winter Estates
Edison and Ford Winter Estates is extending the Free Kid Deal through September 8 to assist the many families staying in Fort Myers that evacuated from Hurricane Dorian’s path. One child 12 years old or younger, will be admitted for free with one paid adult self-guided audio tour ticket. The site includes the historic winter homes of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, caretaker’s homes of both inventors, Edison’s study, a 15,000-square-foot inventions museum and the botanic laboratory — a National Historic Chemical Landmark. There are also more than 20 acres of botanic gardens to explore, including the historic Moonlight Garden, Clara’s rose garden, a succulent garden, the almost century old Banyan and Mysore Fig trees and numerous other plants and trees from all around the world. The air-conditioned museum is full of exhibits and artifacts that children and adults alike can enjoy. Antique car enthusiasts will find Edison’s personal car, a 1916 Model T; Ford’s “Chuck Wagon,” a 1918 Model T Roadster; and a 1908 Cadillac Motor Car. Visitors will also get to see and hear several examples of Edison’s favorite invention, the phonograph. Families will learn how many patents Edison had, what his most profitable invention was, how Edison and Ford met and many other interesting facts.
Families with children can create their own inventions in the Smithsonian Spark!Lab, a fun, hands-on activity center with six stations that rotate every few months. The activities allow for groups and families, so parents and grandparents can enjoy the activities along with their children and grandchildren. Edison Ford is one of only nine museums across the country to have a Smithsonian Spark!Lab. Activities in the Spark!Lab include the High Wire Driver that incorporates a variety of building components and simple motors to invent devices that can roll along a cable suspended above a table or work surface; Snap Circuits offers children a chance to work with real circuits just like the ones found inside radios, televisions, computers and other electronic devices, but without wires or solder; in Sound Scapes, visitors build a pathway to roll a marble through various bells and chimes; Shaping Space is a new activity where participants use plastic tubes to build structures of varying heights and shapes; and Spin Art, another new activity that utilizes Snap Circuits to create artwork and helps kids learn the color wheel. The site is open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. seven days a week. There are several tour options, including self-guided audio tours, historian-led guided tours, specialty inside-the-homes, inside-the-lab, automotive and garden tours. Throughout the year, the site also offers public events and new exhibits. For tour times and additional information, visit the website at or call 239-334-7419.

Military Heritage Museum

Military Heritage Museum Hosts Army, Navy, Air Force Football Kickoff
The Military Heritage Museum in Punta Gorda will host an event on Thursday, September 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. in their P-51 Club, to invite camaraderie and storytelling with the atmosphere of the military clubs of the past. The P-51 Club at the museum is named after the famous World War II fighter plane that was flown out of our local Punta Gorda Airport for training missions. This month we kick off the Army, Navy and Air Force football seasons with popular video clips of the past and information about this year’s upcoming season. You don’t have to be a veteran to join us, but you do have to be a member, at least for the day. A $10 cover charge (your one-day membership) for attendees provides beverages and nachos. The Military Heritage Museum is located at 900 West Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda. For more information or to register, go to or call 941-575-9002. Don’t forget to wear your favorite team apparel!

Military Heritage Museum Hosts 9/11 Remembrance Tribute Concert
The Military Heritage Museum in Punta Gorda will be host to a 9/11 Remembrance and Patriotic Tribute by the Sun Coast Wind Ensemble, in the Gulf Theater on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 7 p.m. The cost for admission will be $15 online or at the door. In remembrance of September 11, the wind ensemble will perform a selection of music to commemorate those souls who died on that day. Selections will include “Flight of Valor” which will salute the heroes of United Flight 93, and “For Our Heroes” which will honor our first responders. The wind ensemble will also perform a wonderful selection of patriotic pieces such as “God Bless America” and “Let There Be Peace on Earth” and many more selections. Sun Coast Wind Ensemble is comprised of 50 plus musicians from surrounding cities and counties. Musicians from Bradenton, Sarasota, Venice, North Port, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Englewood, and Arcadia combine their talents to perform at various venues throughout the year. The concert wind ensemble has performed at Island Walk Community, Patriot’s Park in Venice, Venice Yacht Club, Suncoast MC Church and many other locations. The wind ensemble is directed by Ms. Lynn Cleary, who is entering her second year as the director of the group and brings with her many years of teaching experience in music. Ms. Cleary taught instrumental music at the secondary level as well as being a school administrator in Michigan before retiring to Florida. The Military Heritage Museum is located at 900 West Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda. For more information or to register, go to or call 941-575-9002.


4th Annual Job & Education Fair

Thursday, September 12, 2019 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center
75 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda, FL
Click Here for complete info

Fishermen’s Village

Fishermen’s Village is proud to once again host Nick’s Kids Show/Safety Day on Saturday, September 14, 12 noon-4 p.m. Interactive, fun shows, safety displays and information. Free admission/free parking. Visit for full details.

Member Information

Click Here for Member Info

The Bean on 41 Coffee Shop

The perfect place for a business meeting or social chat is The Bean on 41 Coffee Shop in Towles Plaza. Locally roasted beans, triple filtered water, and a whole lot more than just coffee. Healthy smoothies, light bites, breakfast sandwiches and more. Stay tuned for our new revised menu launching October 1st. Meeting space available for rent. Having a special event? The Bean also caters coffee a delightful touch to your party or fund-raiser. 941.769.2398

Village Brewhouse

Hurricane Fund Raiser – $1 of all Hurricane Buckets sold before 9/22 will be donated to hurricane relief
Sunday NFL kick off specials – .75 cent wings, $2 kids meal, Bud Light girls will be here at 12:30. Bud Light 22 oz yard glass can be purchased filled for 3.50 and then bring the glass back for any Monday or Thursday NFL regular season game and refill it for only $2.50, $5 Bloody Mary’s and of course we also have all the games with the NFL package and more that 30 TVs
Vote for us in the Pizza king contest and receive $5 off any pizza

Homeless Students Gap Fund of Charlotte County

Mentoring Matters: Why Not You? Have you ever wanted to make a difference in someone’s life? Please click here for the info

The Charlotte Education Foundation

The Charlotte Education Foundation is looking for volunteers for light duty office and mentors for students. A background check is required. Contact: Sara Wierhake at 941-255-7500, ext. 294 or email [email protected].

Charlotte County Info

Show Us Your Charlotte is a call to submit your best photos of Charlotte County to the Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach Visitor & Convention Bureau. Share your best images of the area—the beach, the harbor, an adventure–we want to see what you’ve got! Photos submitted by Sept. 27 will be considered for the 2020 Show Us Your Charlotte calendar. Submit your photos online:

Gulfshore Opera

Season 6 Brings Exciting Changes and Audience Favorites
Click Here for all of the info.

Golfers Who C.A.R.E.

Golfers Who C.A.R.E. Scramble- Saturday, October 12, 2019, St. Andrews South Golf Cub
Come support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Charlotte County during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month! Registration includes continental breakfast, lunch, cart and green fees. $90/person – $360/Foursome Raffles, challenges with prizes, and more!
Email [email protected] or call 941-639-5499 for more information.

Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center

Harvest for the Harbor 2019
Click Here for all of the details

National Library Card Sign-up Month

King Fisher Fleet, located at Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda, supports National Library Card Sign-Up Month by offering free Sunset Cruises to everyone who gets a new library card during the month of September. Interested library borrowers in Charlotte and Desoto Counties may sign up for a new library card at the front desk at any Charlotte or Desoto County library. When signing-up, borrowers will receive a voucher for a free Sunset Cruise which is valid for use during September or October. The Sunset Cruise is a 90 minute sightseeing cruise that allows passengers to enjoy a glorious Florida sunset over Charlotte Harbor while touring the residential waterfront. Advance reservations are recommended. For the current schedule, more information, and reservations, call 941-639-0969. King Fisher Fleet offers eight cruises including daylong cruises to the islands of Cayo Costa, Cabbage Key, and Boca Grande, narrated tours of the Peace River and Charlotte Harbor, as well as sunset cruises and Christmas light canal cruises. King Fisher Fleet also offers charter fishing with some of the best fishing guides in southwest Florida, departing every day from Fishermen’s Village Marina. Gift certificates for cruises as well as for fishing charters are available at the King Fisher Fleet office.

Wheelbarrow of Cheer!

The C.A.R.E. Auxiliary is selling raffle tickets for a wheelbarrow full of liquor! Tickets are $10 each or 5 for $40, and all proceeds benefit survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Charlotte County. The winner will be pulled on October 12 at the Golfers Who C.A.R.E. event. Winner is not required to attend. Call or email Chris to purchase your tickets! (941) 639-5499, [email protected].

Pedal Punta Gorda

You don’t want to miss this! Our first Pedal & Paint tour around Punta Gorda is Harry Potter themed. Dress in your favorite Costume and choose your House. Are you Gryffindor or Slytherin? We will help you create a masterpiece to start off the Spooky Season. Tour is 3 hours long and only 15 spots available. 21+ unless you book the whole Tavern as a Private tour. Not a Potter fan? Check out the 27th tour. We will be doing field pumpkins on recycled pallet wood. Cost is $100.00 pp. Sunday October 13th, 2019 @ 1:00 P.M. Like us up on FB/IG: pedalpuntagorda or check our our website for upcoming events.
Booking questions: 941-777-0715

Island Flavah News

It’s Michael White, and recently I competed in Las Vegas, NV at Karaoke World Championships in August against 109 other contestants from all across the country, representing their respective states. The grueling 3-day competition was tough, but….I WON! This was a major win, as 9000 hopefuls had tried out, with 109 other hopefuls like myself battling it out in Las Vegas. The next step is the WORLD FINALS which are being held in Tokyo, Japan. KWC is paying for my flight and lodging, but I will need to provide my own food and transportation while I’m there. I’m looking to put on a fundraiser, where I’ll be performing Live at Downtown Gatorz, 502 King Street, Punta Gorda, Florida on October 26th, 2019 at 3pm-7pm. We’re looking for businesses to please donate anything they can: Gift Certificates, baskets to raffle, whatever. Would you please help me by donating anything to help us raise enough money? Our goal is 1300 before November 13th. Every little bit helps. We appreciate you and in return, we’d like to advertise your business or organization with your logo. Please email a copy of your logo to: [email protected] and we will add to all of our flyers and at the venue on the big screens as well. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide, and if you are even interested in sponsoring, we’d like to chat about that at your convenience, if you want.

Jaguar Concours d’Elegance (Car Show)

See the most beautiful car design in the world…“JAGUAR”
Jaguar Cars from the early 1950s to current models.
Saturday, October 26, 2019 at The Charlotte Harbor Event & Conference Center, 75 Taylor St. Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 from 9:30 am To 4:00 pm. Click Here for all of the info.

2019 Florida International Air Show

The 2019 Florida International Air Show has announced a “Military – Veteran Discount.” Active Military and Veterans will receive a $15 discount on the Saturday, November 2nd and Sunday, November 3rd, General Admission Tickets Only. General Admission Tickets for Active Military and Veterans will be $20.00 (plus fees) . Proper ID is required. The Active Military and Veterans Discount is not available online or in advance. This special ticket offer is only available at the Gate on November 2nd & November 3rd. Dana Carr, President of the 2019 Florida International Air Show stated “It was way to give back to our active military and veterans and thank them for their outstanding service.”

Sun Events is bringing some of your favorite bands and artists to the Cultural Center of Charlotte County!
Click Here for September & October Schedule

Point to Ponder

The Power of Attitude

Thought for the Week

If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.

Member Newsletters

Click Name of Business for their latest news

Animal Welfare League

Archway Institute

Charlotte Arts

Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center

Charlotte Players

Charlotte Symphony Orchestra’s Upcoming Season

Chelsea Place Senior Care Conference

Economic Development Partnership

FGCU Renaissance Academy Punta Gorda

Florida International 

Air Show

Gulfshore Opera Sponsorship Opps

Key West Express

Port Charlotte Score Lunch & Learn Workshops

Spa One

Job Opportunities

Hessler Floor Covering

Hessler Floor Covering is seeking talented people to join our sales team in multiple locations-Punta Gorda, Fort Myers and Naples. We are experiencing continued sales growth in all locations with opportunities to increase sales even more with you! Hessler Floor Covering has been serving customers in all of South West Florida since 1951 and continues to be a 5 Star rated company by our customers. Together with our parent company, Wayne Wiles Floor Coverings, we have 4 retail locations. We offer: company provided health and basic life insurances; dental and vision are available.
401K plan after 1 year with the company.

Potential for the right candidate(s) to achieve $60,000/annually with unlimited earnings potential.
Previous sales experience with flooring and tile industry experience preferred, however, we will train the right candidate(s). Please email your most recent resume for consideration and start your new career with us today!
Attention Rich Lancette [email protected].

We are a drug free workplace! Backgound check and drug testing required.

Special Offers for Chamber Members

Air Trek
Click Here for Special Key West Offer

Storm Smart
Click Here for a special offer for Chamber Members.

Sleep Inn & Suites
Click here for a special offer for Chamber Members.

Twin Isles Country Club
Click Here for Offer
Click Here for Offer

LaQuinta Inn & Suites
Click Here for Summer Special

Joke of the Week

Did You Remember

A married couple were enjoying a luxury South Sea cruise until their liner was shipwrecked and they were washed ashore on a desert island, the only survivors.

Day after day, they looked hopefully out to sea in the hope of spotting a passing vessel but none came. As boredom set in, they started to think about their home back in Arizona.

The wife asked, “Did you remember to pay the final installment on the Chevrolet before we came away?”
“No, honey, I clean forgot. Sorry.”

”Did you remember to pay the electric bill before we left home?”
“No, I completely forgot. Sorry.”

”Did you remember to pay the gas bill?”
”Do you know, that slipped my mind, too. Sorry.”

“And did you remember to pay the six-monthly tax bill?”
”I knew there was something important I had to do. I’m really sorry honey.”

”Well, at least there’s one good thing,” sighed the wife.
“What’s that?”

”They’ll find us.”

Applause Section

Dr. John Guarino welcomes his new associate, Dr. Matthew Tufts.

He is a general surgeon, board-certified by the ABS. He has expertise in a variety of surgical specialties, including laparoscopic, bariatric, and robotic surgery. Dr. Tufts received his undergraduate degree at Auburn University and his medical degree at the University of South Florida. He completed his residency at Wake Forest in North Carolina, and he is fellowship trained in bariatrics and minimally invasive surgery at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire, an accredited fellowship through ASMBS. Excepting New Patients
John F. Guarino MD PA, Matthew Tufts MD
General Surgery Practice
4245 Kings Hwy, Unit A, Port Charlotte, Fl 33980

Sea Grape Gallery’s Artists of Month

Sea Grape Gallery’s Artists of Month for September 2019 From September 5 to October 3, 2019 Sea Grape Gallery will be featuring two of their artists, Vicki Glynn, watercolorist, and Nancy Giffin, Nantucket basket and Shaker box artist.

Vicki Glynn is one of Sea Grape Gallery’s longest member artists. However, prior to Hurricane Charley she decided to open her own gallery and framing business and left Sea Grape only to return after realizing she wanted to spend more time on creating her own art rather than running a full-time business. Vicki is well known in the community for her beautiful nature inspired watercolors focusing on birds, fish, landscapes, seascapes and flowers. Her art has been purchased by many business owners in the area where they proudly display her work in their places of business. When discussing her art, Vicki explains that she has always been inspired by observing nature and all of Florida’s wonderful wildlife. She truly captures this love of nature in all her beautiful paintings.

Nancy Giffin moved to Florida from Massachusetts where the true Nantucket and Shaker traditions and cultures abound. As Nancy explains, she has always been inspired by American history and wants to preserve that time-honored American tradition. Her artistic creativity has inspired Nancy to create replicas of authentic Nantucket and Shaker baskets and boxes from that time in our history. Nancy has truly succeeded in helping pass on this unique tradition. Her award-winning creations are both beautiful and functional and certainly can hold a prominent place in any home.

Many of Vicki’s wonderful watercolor paintings and Nancy’s beautiful and unique baskets are prominently on display at the Sea Grape Gallery. In addition, more of their art and the artworks of all Sea Grape artists can be viewed at Sea Grape Gallery is located at 113 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda and can be reached at 941-575-1718. In addition to their regular hours, the Gallery is always open until 8 p.m. during downtown Punta Gorda’s “Third Thursday Wine Walk”.


John Wright, President Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce

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