
Friday Facts for May 22, 2020

Friday Facts!

Dear Chamber Member,

Here are your Friday Facts once again! Enjoy reading them, have a great Friday in these very difficult and different days. Please support your fellow Chamber Members. If you have anything that you would like to put into the Friday Facts please send it to  by noon each Thursday.

Office Closed Monday MAY 25, 2020 in Honor of Memorial Day. We will reopen Tuesday May 26, 2020 at 10am. The office remains on our reduced hours, weekdays 10am-2pm. Visitors are required to wear a mask and there will be an entry system in place, allowing for one individual/family to enter at one time. Additional visitors will be granted access as soon as the prior visitors have cleared the area.

We would like to thank Promotional Marketing Online (PPE available), Chelsea Place Senior Care, Kiwanis of Punta Gorda and Rotary Club of Charlotte Harbor (Creative Concepts) for donations of masks for our staff and visitors.

Don’t Forget – Virtual Learning Event, which is free to all members, has two sessions next week (Tues & Thurs). Here are details.

Message from City of Punta Gorda – Memorial Day Holiday. The City of Punta Gorda government offices will be closed on Monday, May 25th for the Memorial Day holiday. Residents and commercial customers of the City of Punta Gorda will notice NO change in trash, recycling or yard waste collections. If you have any questions about your scheduled pickup, please contact Public Works at (941) 575-5050 during the hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Here is some useful information from the U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Public Affairs – regarding PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Available.

Your Chamber Staff,
John, Hazel and Janet

Chamber Calendar of Events

There are no networking events planned for May 2020.

Upcoming Chamber Events

(organized, run or supported by your Chamber)

City Wide Garage Sale will be held on Saturday June 13, 2020 at Comfort Storage, 8am to 12noon (registration at 7am). Call 941 639 3720 to register. Pre-registration IS required.

New Members

Mission Statement

To promote business in Punta Gorda and all our surroundings areas, for the benefit of our entire community.

Allied Medical of SW Florida
Kimberly Morrison
150 W. McKenzie Street, Ste 114
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Medical Office
Sponsored by John Wright

Remember to utilize the certificates in the New Member packet. These are very valuable to your business.

Partners in Action News

Four Points by Sheraton (Platinum)
Enjoy plenty of fresh air and social distancing at T.T.’s Tiki Bar located on the water at the Four Points by Sheraton! We have a fabulous new menu that includes plenty of favorites from the past. Relax and listen to our live music which features Austin and Zen on Friday, Hip Squad on Saturday, and 3’s Company on Sunday. Our staff has taken extra steps to ensure that we meet the CDC guidelines for sanitizing and cleaning including everyone wearing masks. Our Dockside Grill is open inside the hotel at 25% capacity and drinks if you need a break from the sun. We are excited to serve our wonderful community again and look forward to seeing you! 941 637 6770.

Staycation Information.

Bayfront Health (Platinum) Urges Patients To Not Delay Emergency Care.

Ribbon Cuttings

No Ribbon Cuttings planned at this time.

Member Information

Memorial Weekend Message from HipNotique and Pomegranate and Fig

Key West Express – Honoring Our Hero’s!

Military Heritage Museum – Special Memorial Day Commemoration – May 25 at noon

Mark Martella, Esq. of Icard Merrill – If you have re-opened your business but now face the prospect of pressure from your creditors, call Mark Martella, Esq. of Icard Merrill, to help you deal with them while you rebuild your business income. Having gone through four economic downturns as an attorney and small business owner, Mark can assist you in your restructuring and advise you how to avoid the fatal mistakes made by past clients in similar circumstances. For a complimentary, confidential consultation, please call 941-206-3700 or e-mail Mark at

Air Trek – Key West Package

One Source Accounting & Tax – SBA PPP Loans update.

Copperfish Books – Appointment Shopping Begins!

The Yoga Sanctuary – What’s Happening Next

Escape Rooms Unlocked – Rain? Memorial Day Weekend? We’ve Got You Covered

Creative Concepts – PPE Gear Available

TEAM Punta Gorda – Drive-Thru Food Drive for St Vincent de Paul Pantry TODAY MAY 22

SCORE – New Resources. PPP Information. Real-Time Mentoring.

Florida Gulf Coast University – Pledges to help RESTART SWFL

FGCU Renaissance Academy Punta Gorda – Pomp and Circumstance, Technology, Current Events & more

VISIT FLORIDA – 2020 Hurricane Preparedness Resources.

Edison & Ford Winter Estates – The Garden Shoppe.

Punta Gorda Symphony – Good News

Gulfshore Opera – Spring Campaign opens with Gusto!

Punta Gorda/Englewood Beach Visitor & Convention Bureau – Vacation Rentals Can Re-Open as of 5/20/2020

Charlotte County – Plan for Reopening Short Term Rentals


ARCHway Institute – National newsletter.

Charlotte Arts – Newsletter.

Charlotte Community Foundation – Gifts & Gab

FGCU Renaissance Academy Ft Myers – News.

United Way of Charlotte County – You are The One!


John Wright, President
Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce

Every effort has been made to accommodate guests of all abilities. The Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for the presentation, format or accessibility of customer submitted documents, images and websites.

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